Issued December 30th, 2005
Edited by Reinhold Pöder, Ursula Peintner and Martin Kirchmair.
> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors
Sydowia 57 (2) at Verlag Berger
> Abbasi, M., M. Scholler
A new species of Tranzschelia (Uredinales) on Prunus mahaleb
> Adamcík, S., P. Lizon & S. Ripková
Hygrophorus taxa from Slovakia described by Kalchbrenner
> Caldwell, I. R., K. Vernes & F. Bärlocher
The northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) as a vector for inoculation of red spruce (Picea rubens) seedlings with ectomycorrhizal fungi
> Döbbeler, P.
Three new hypocrealean ascomycetes on bryophytes
> Hernández, J. R., M. C. Aime & T. W. Henkel
The rust fungi (Uredinales) of Guyana
> Kirchmair, M., S. Neuhauser & L. Huber
Sorosphaera viticola sp. nov. (plasmodiophorids), an intracellular parasite in roots of grape vine
> Lechner, B. E., J. E. Wright † & E. Albertó
The genus Pleurotus in Argentina: mating tests
> Simeto, S., R. Alonso, S. Tiscornia & L. Bettucci
Fungal community of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus maidenii stems in Uruguay
> Verkley, G. J. M., V. A. Mel ' nik, Hyeon-Dong Shin & P. W. Crous
Camarographium koreanum sp. nov., a new coelomycete from Korea
> Vijaykrishna, D., R. Jeewon & K. D. Hyde
Fusoidispora aquatica: A new freshwater ascomycete from Hong Kong based on morphology and phylogeny inferred from rDNA gene sequences