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Sydowia 72

Issued November 16th 2020

Edited by Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 72 at Verlag Berger

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Table of Contents - Sydowia 72

Bioprospecting of hot springs and compost in West Anatolia regarding phytase producing thermophilic fungi
  Sennur Çalis kan Özdemir & Atac Uzel
Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with four different microhabitats in an old-growth red spruce/ northern hardwood forest in West Virginia
  Steven L. Stephenson, Lavanya Tawari, Shraddha Tewari & Carlos Rojas
Microsatellite-primed PCR assessed the genetic diversity of Leucostoma cinctum (Diaporthales) in Iran
  Somayeh Bakhshi, Khalil-Berdi Fotouhifar & Mohammad Javan-Nikkhah
Syncephalis alagoensis, a new species of Zoopagales (Zoopagomycota) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
  Leslie Waren Silva de Freitas, Hsiao-Man Ho, Roger Fagner Ribeiro Melo & André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago
Coprophilous fungal communities in an agroecological transitioning settlement in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest
  Nicole Helena de Brito Gondim & Roger Fagner Ribeiro Melo
Laccase production in a psychrotolerant Eutypella under varying temperature and pH conditions
  Kusum Dhakar & Anita Pandey
Production of laccase from filamentous fungi by submerge fermentation, examples from Pakistan
  Aisha Umar
A novel bambusicolous fungus from China, Arthrinium chinense (Xylariales)
  Ning Jiang, Ying Mei Liang & Cheng Ming Tian
Paraglomus occidentale, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from the sources of the Amazon river in Peru, with a key to the Paraglomeromycetes species
  Mike Anderson Corazon-Guivin, Agustín Cerna-Mendoza, Juan Carlos Guerrero-Abad, Adela Vallejos-Tapullima, Orlando Ríos-Ramírez, Geomar Vallejos-Torres, Ana Maria de la Sota-Ricaldi, Viviane Monique Santos, Gladstone Alves da Silva & Fritz Oehl
Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores
  Ditte Bandini, Ertugrul Sesli, Bernhard Oertel & Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber
Bioassay-guided isolation of antibacterial fractions from extracts of submerged-cultured Inonotus obliquus
  Lulu Yan & Xiangqun Xu
Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) from Austria and neighbouring areas
  Walter Rossi & Erhard Christian
Colonization pattern and molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from floating islands in Hungary
  Ágnes Zöld-Balogha, Márton Baloghb, Attila Englonerc, Károly Bókad, Bernadett Berecza, Bóna Lillaa, Merényi Zsolta, Zoltán Brateka & István Parádia
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus): a medical marvel but a conservation dilemma?
  Paul W. Thomas, Waill Ahmed Elkhateeb & Ghoson Mosbah Daba
Fungal microbiota in the seeds of the clonal plant Iris sibirica – a threatened species in Europe
  Ewa Wegrzyn, Martyna Dominiak-Swigon, Karolina Górzynska, Julian Chmiel, Konrad Switalski & Marlena Lembicz
Rhodocybe fusipes (Entolomataceae), a new species from Amazonian ‘terra-firme’ forest of Brazil
  Alexandre G. S. Silva-Filho, Timothy J. Baroni, Dirce L. Komura, Jean-Marc Moncalvo, Iuri G. Baseia & Felipe Wartchow
Records of slime molds (Myxomycetes) from deserts and other arid areas of Saudi Arabia
  Fuad Ameen, Abobakr Almansob, Ahmed Al-Sabri, Saleh AlNadari, Norah Alqahtani & Steven L. Stephenson
Validation of Entoloma tubaeforme
  Eliseo Battistin, Wangqiu Deng, Tai-Hui Li & Matteo Gelardi
Species diversity of Glomeromycota in Brazilian biomes
  Leonor Costa Maia, José Hilton Passos, Jailma Alves Silva, Fritz Oehl & Daniele Magna Azevedo Assis
Synergistic interaction of carvacrol and fluconazole on growth inhibition of Candida albicans in vitro and in vivo mouse model
  Fereshteh Beheshtirooy, Fahimeh Alizadeh, Esmaeel Panahi Kokhdan & Alireza Khodavandi
Mosses as spore traps for myxomycetes
  Steven L. Stephenson & Carlos Rojas
The role of gymnopoid fungi (Agaricales) in the environment, natural communities and medicine: a review
  Coimbra V.R.M., Gibertoni T.B. & Wartchow F.
Fungal Systematics and Evolution 6
  Danny Haelewaters and others

Print ISSN: 0082-0598
Price Individual:€ 120,00

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