Will be issued
July 2024
Edited by Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber.
> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors
Sydowia 76 at Verlag Berger
Sydowia 76 is also available as an e-book (completely or the individual articles):
eBook at Verlag Berger
Contributions to the knowledge of the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Erysiphaceae (powdery mildews) – part 2 |
Michael Bradshaw, Uwe Braun, Monika Götz, Gökhan Dogan, Makbule Erdogdu, Mevlüde A. Ates, Katarína Pastircáková, Martin Pastircák, Sylvia Fernández-Pavía, Susumu Takamatsu, Mehrdad Abbasi, Swarnalatha Moparthi, Yusufjon Gafforov, Vasilica-Claudiu Chinan, Volker Kummer, Julia Kruse, Donald H. Pfister |
The genus Termitomyces: outline, phylogeny, and divergence times estimation with description of a new edible species from Arabian Peninsula |
Shah Hussain, Moza Al-Kharousi, Arwa A. Al-Owaisi, Dua’a Al-Maqbali, Marwa A. Al-Muharabi, Zahra Al-Shabibi, Abdullah H. Al-Balushi, Nadiya Al Saady, Rethinasamy Velazhahan, Loay Rashan, Abdullah M. Al-Sadi & Mohamed N. Al-Yahya’ei |