> Sydowia 77
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> Sydowia 71
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> Sydowia 69
> Sydowia 68
> Sydowia 67
> Sydowia 66 (2)
> Sydowia 66 (1)
> Sydowia 65 (2)
> Sydowia 65 (1)
> Sydowia 64 (2)
> Sydowia 64 (1)
> Sydowia 63 (2)
> Sydowia 63 (1)
> Sydowia 62 (2)
> Sydowia 62 (1)
> Sydowia 61 (2)
> Sydowia 61 (1)
> Sydowia 60 (2)
> Sydowia 60 (1)
> Sydowia 59 (2)
> Sydowia 59 (1)
> Sydowia 58 (2)
> Sydowia 58 (1)
> Sydowia 57 (2)
> Sydowia 57 (1)

Sydowia 60 (2)

Issued December 30th, 2008

Edited by Reinhold Pöder, Ursula Peintner and Martin Kirchmair.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 60 (2) at Verlag Berger

Table of Contents - Sydowia 60 (2)

> Arboleda C., Mejía A. I., Franco-Molano A. E., Jiménez G. A., Penninckx M.J.
Autochthonous white rot fungi from the tropical forest of Colombia for dye decolourisation and ligninolytic enzymes production

> V.M. Bandala, F. Esteve-Raventós & L. Montoya
Two remarkable brown-spored agarics from Spain: Simocybe parvispora sp. nov. and Crepidotus ibericus comb. nov.

> Jin-Liang Chen, Shean-Shong Tzean and Weir-Sen Lin
Endophragmiella multiramosa a new dematiaceous anamorphic ascomycete from Taiwan

> S.P. Gorjón & N. Hallenberg
New records of Sistotrema species (Basidiomycota) from the Iberian Peninsula

> D. Krüger, K. W. Hughes &; R. H. Petersen
Notes on the molecular phylogeny of the ‘Polyporellus’ group within Polyporus: identity of collections from Canada and Ecuador, and relationships with Lentinus

> John C. Landolt, John D. Shadwick & Steven L. Stephenson
First records of dictyostelids and protostelids from Ascension Island

> Angela Lantieri
Pulvinula johannis, a new species from Sicily, Italy

> Jamjan Meeboon, Iman Hidayat, Chaiwat To-anun, and Chiharu Nakashima
Cercosporoid fungi from Thailand II. New species of Cercospora and Passalora

> George K. Mugambi and Sabine M. Huhndorf
A new species of Melanochaeta from Kenya

> Guillermo Pérez, Sandra Lupo and Lina Bettucci
Polymorphisms of the ITS region of Inocutis jamaicensis associated with Eucalyptus globulus, Vitis vinifera and native plants in Uruguay

> Jack D. Rogers, Larissa Vasilyeva, & Frank O. Hay
New Xylariaceae from Hawaii and Texas (USA)



Print ISSN: 0082-0598
Price Institutional: € 85,00
Price Individual:€ 72,60

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