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Sydowia 73

Issued July 26th 2021

Edited by Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 73 at Verlag Berger

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Table of Contents - Sydowia 73

Genea coronata (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales), a cryptic new species in a highly polymorphic genus
  Pablo Alvarado, Jean-Baptiste Pérez, Nicolas Van Vooren, Torsten Bernauer, Gunnar Hensel & Markus Scholler
Phylogeny of Podofomes trogii reveals its relationships with Datronia in the Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota)
  Sergio P. Gorjón, Elí Misael Bobadilla-Peñaló & Javier Bobo-Pinilla
Chaetomium iranicum and Collariella capillicompacta spp. nov. and notes to new hosts of Amesia species in Iran
  Hamideh Aghyl, Mehdi Mehrabi-Koushki & Mehdi Esfandiari
Morphological and phylogenetic study of Oomycetes in three tropical reservoirs
  Gustavo Henrique Jerônimo* & Carmen Lidia Amorim Pires-Zottarelli
Current status of nanotechnology application in management of the complex fungal pathogen Colletotrichum – a review
  Shivakumar Gowda & Subbaraman Sriram
Gongronella pedratalhadensis, a new species of Mucorales (Mucoromycota) isolated from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, with an identification key for the genus
  Leslie Waren Silva de Freitas, Rafael José Vilela de Oliveira, Thalline Rhafhaella Cordeiro Leite, Thuong Thuong Thi Nguyen, Hyo Jin Lim, Hyang Burm Lee & André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago
Saccharopine reductase influences production of Swainsonine in Alternaria oxytropis
  Ping Lu, Xin Li, Siyuan Wang, Feng Gao, Bo Yuan, Lingjun Xi, Ling Du, Hu Jiya & Lina Zhao
Morphological characterization, nutritional profiling and cultivation of Panus velutinus in India
  Ved Parkash Sharma, Babita Kumari, Shweta Sharma, Anupam Barh, Sudheer Kumar Annepu & Shwet Kamal
Fungal endophytes of betel leaves: the need to study mycotoxin-producing endophytes in leafy vegetables
  Ethiraj Thirumalai, Ambayeram Venkatachalam & Trichur Subramanian Suryanarayanan
Contributions to the knowledge of the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Erysiphaceae (powdery mildews) – Part 1
  Michael Bradshaw, Uwe Braun, Monika Götz, Susumu Takamatsu, Thomas Brand, Maria G. Cabrera, Pamela Dirchwolf, Volker Kummer, Ricardo Medina, Swarnalatha Moparthi & Sara Salcedo-Sarmiento
Diversity of myxomycetes in typhoon-prone areas: a case study in beach and inland forests of Aurora and Quezon Province, Philippines
  Enrico M. Cabutaje, Melissa H. Pecundo & Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz
Surprising morphological, ecological and ITS sequence diversity in the Arrhenia acerosa complex (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae)
  Andrus Voitk, Irja Saar , Robert Lücking, Pierre-Arthur Moreau, Gilles Corriol, Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, R. Greg Thorn, Chris R. J. Hay, Bibiana Moncada & Gro Gulden
Endogenous components with reductive capacity of Agaricus bisporus mushroom cultivars
  Erika Mikola, András Geösel, Zsuzsa Jókai, Kinga Komka, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai & Marietta Fodor
Distribution and diversity of lichenicolous fungi from western Himalayan Cold Deserts of India, including a new Zwackhiomyces species
  Yogesh Joshi, Pradeep Kumar, Arjun Lal Yadav, Niranjan Suda & Joseph P. Halda
Three new Entoloma species of the Cyanula clade from (sub)alpine habitats in Northern Norway and Sweden
  Machiel Evert Noordeloos, Jostein Lorå, Siw Elin Eidissen, Tor Erik Brandrud, Egil Bendiksen, Olga Morozova, John Bjarne Jordal Øyvind Weholt, Gerrit Maarten Jansen, Ellen Larsson & Bálint Dima
Antagonistic activity and chitinolytic potential of endophytic fungi recovered from cacti growing in the Brazilian tropical dry forest
  Aline Gleyce Julião Bomfim, Marília Gomes da Silva Santos1, Jadson Diogo Pereira Bezerra, Laura Mesquita Paiva, João Tiago Correia Oliveira, Cristina Maria de Souza-Motta & Keila Aparecida Moreira
Yield potential and antioxidant activity of Indian Ganoderma strains
  Vedukola PullaReddy, Dharmesh Gupta, Sudheer Kumar Annepu, Anupam Barh, Satish Kumar, Manisha Thakur & Joginder Pal
Genomic structure of novel Iranian Rhizoctonia solani AG-3PT isolates on potato, Solanum tuberosum
  Dorna Forghani, Eidi Bazgir, Mehdi Nasr Esfahani & Mostafa Darvishnia
Octospora doebbeleri, a new bryophilous species on Dicranoweisia cirrata
  Zuzana Sochorová, Jan Eckstein, Michaela Sedlárová & Michal Sochor
Polyporus tubaeformis (Basidiomycota, Polyporaceae) – identity, ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Ukraine
  Jan Holec, Petr Vampola, Jirí Kout, Miroslav Beran, Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, Christoph Hahn & Miroslav Kolarík
Novel Iranian wheat cultivars resistant to Bipolaris sorokiniana
  Abdolrasoul Gholamaliyan, Mehdi Nasr Esfahani & Abdelfattah A. Dababat
Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 7
  Bálint Dima and others

Print ISSN: 0082-0598
Price Individual:€ 120,00

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