> Sydowia 77
> Sydowia 76
> Sydowia 75
> Sydowia 74
> Sydowia 73
> Sydowia 72
> Sydowia 71
> Sydowia 70
> Sydowia 69
> Sydowia 68
> Sydowia 67
> Sydowia 66 (2)
> Sydowia 66 (1)
> Sydowia 65 (2)
> Sydowia 65 (1)
> Sydowia 64 (2)
> Sydowia 64 (1)
> Sydowia 63 (2)
> Sydowia 63 (1)
> Sydowia 62 (2)
> Sydowia 62 (1)
> Sydowia 61 (2)
> Sydowia 61 (1)
> Sydowia 60 (2)
> Sydowia 60 (1)
> Sydowia 59 (2)
> Sydowia 59 (1)
> Sydowia 58 (2)
> Sydowia 58 (1)
> Sydowia 57 (2)
> Sydowia 57 (1)

Sydowia 61 (1)

Issued June 30th, 2009

Edited by Reinhold Pöder, Ursula Peintner and Martin Kirchmair.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 61 (1) at Verlag Berger

Table of Contents - Sydowia 61 (1)

> J. H. Cunnington
The distribution of optional mitochondrial introns encoding putative homing endonuclease genes in the Fusarium oxysporum complex

> J. Mohandoss & T. S. Suryanarayanan
Effect of fungicide treatment on foliar fungal endophyte diversity in mango

> E. Horak, G. Guzmán & D.E. Desjardin
Four new species of Psilocybe from Malaysia and Thailand, with a key to the species of sect. Neocaledonicae and discussion on the distribution of the tropical and temperate species

> O. Rodríguez, A. Galván-Corona, A.R. Villalobos-Arámbula, G. Vargas, L. Guzmán-Dávalos
Pluteus horakianus, a new species from Mexico, based on morphological and molecular data

> A. Ronikier & S. Adamčík
Russulae in the Montane and Subalpine Belts of the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians)

> A. L. Ruotsalainen, R. Koopmann & M. Hyvärinen
Lichen substances and the growth of root associated fungi Phialocephala fortinii and Rhizoscyphus ericae (Ascomycetes) in pure culture

> H. Singer, G. Moreno & C. Illana
SEM studies of the type specimens of Lamproderma biasperosporum, Macbrideola argentea and Trichia „cascadensis (Eumycetozoa, myxomycetes)

> Steven L. Stephenson
First records of myxomycetes from Ascension Island

> G. Venturella & M. L. Gargano
Ecological features of macromycetes in Eucalyptus reforestations in Sicily (southern Italy)

> Ru-Yong Zheng, Xiao-Yong Liu & Ruo-Yu Li
More Rhizomucor causing human mucormycosis from China: R. chlamydosporus sp. nov.

> Á. Zöld-Balogh, B. Dima, L. Albert, M. Babos, M. Balogh & Z. Bratek
Floating island macromycetes from the Carpatho-Pannonian Region in Europe

> M. P. Zhurbenko
New and interesting lichenicolous hypocrealean fungi from the Northern Hemisphere



Print ISSN: 0082-0598
Price Institutional: € 85,00
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