Hypoxylon subdisciforme sp. nov., Nemania abortiva sp. nov., and Xylotumulus gibbisporus gen. et sp. nov. from Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands
Rogers J. D., Ju Y.-M. & Hemmes D. E. (2006)
Sydowia 58 (2): 290 - 299
Three undescribed taxa of family Xylariaceae are described from Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands. Hypoxylon subdisciforme is a discoid to subdiscoid species with plate-like ascus apical ring that does not stain or stains lightly in iodine. Nemania abortiva features asci with 4 or fewer ascospores, the first described Nemania species with consistently fewer than 8 ascospores. Xylotumulus gibbisporus shows mound-shaped erumpent stromata with 1 - 5 perithecia, ascus apical ring that does not stain in iodine, gibbous ascospores with spiraling germination slit, and anamorph produced on a sporodochium.
Key words: Hypoxylon, Nemania, Pyrenomycetes, Xylariaceae, Xylotumulus.