Ecology and distribution of Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae (Sclerotiniaceae, Ascomycota) in Central Europe with remarks on its world distribution
Holec J., Kucera T. & Balner V. (2007) Ecology and distribution of Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae (Sclerotiniaceae, Ascomycota) in Central Europe with remarks on world distribution.
Sydowia 59 (1): 57 - 74.
In 1997-2006, the rare ascomycete Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae was found at several new localities in the Czech Republic - in bogs, mires and fens with Carex rostrata in the mountains. The vegetation at the localities was exactly phytosociologically described. The data from Central Europe (this study, published data from Austria) showed that the species grows in fringes of permanently wet ombrotrophic or alluvial sites, in raised bogs formed by terrestrialization, and/or sloping mires formed by paludification. It prefers oligotrophic or mesothrophic stands with rather deep Sphagnum peat and a high amount of water. The vegetation can be classified as the associations Carici rostratae-Sphagnetum apiculati, Caricetum rostratae and Caricetum lasiocarpae . The European and world distribution is commented. The species is not a subarctic or boreal-alpine element as previously published but has boreo-montane preferences. Its apothecia appear almost exclusively in June, rarely in May.
Keywords: ascomycetes, mycogeography, vegetation, mountains, raised-bogs