Floating island macromycetes from the Carpatho-Pannonian
Region in Europe
Zöld-Balogh Á., Dima B., Albert L., Babos M., Balogh M. & Bratek Z. (2008) Floating island macromycetes from the Carpatho-Pannonian Region in Europe.
Sydowia 61 (1): 149–176
This study summarizes research data of the last 50 years on basidiomes and ascomycetes from sudds in the Carpathian and Pannonian Regions in Europe. The 76 basidiomycetes taxa collected from Sphagnum sudds (282 collections) belong to 3 orders (Agaricales, Boletales and Russulales), 15 families, and 25 genera. The 77 collections from non-Sphagnum sudds contained 33 species representing 4 orders (the above mentioned and Cantharellales), 12 families and 18 genera. Only three species were found in both types of sudds: Cortinarius uliginosus, Psathyrella typhae and Russula laccata. The 69 collections of ascomycetes (collected on the Sphagnum-free habitats of both kinds of floating fens) contained 27 species belonging to 4 orders (Dothideales, Helotiales, Orbiliales, Pezizales) 11 families and 19 genera. Representative ascomycetes included Lachnum virgineum, Mollisia ligni and Scutellinia crinita. More than half of the basidiomycetes are mycorrhizal (66% in Sphagnum sudds and 55% in non-Sphagnum sudds), while 92% of the ascomycetes proved to be saprobes. The following species occurred exclusively in floating islands of the studied area: Cortinarius tubarius, C. uliginosus, Hygrocybe coccineocrenata, Inocybe lacera var. helobia, Omphalina gerardiana, Russula betularum and R. laccata. These strongly rarefied habitats are the last asylums of several rare and unique species.
Keywords: Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, habitat conservation, non-Sphagnum sudd, Sphagnum sudd |