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Macrofungal diversity in Pinus nigra plantations in Northwest Italy (Liguria)

Zotti M., Di Piazza S., Ambrosio E., Mariotti M. G., Roccotiello E. & Vizzini A. (2013) Macrofungal diversity in Pinus nigra plantations in Northwest Italy (Liguria).

Sydowia 65 (2): 223–243

Liguria (NW Italy) is a region characterised by a great richness in habitats, flora, and mycobiota. In the first half of 20th century, many areas of Liguria were frequently reforested with conifers, mainly pines. This type of habitat is still uninvestigated from a mycological perspective. As a consequence, our work aims at assessing mycodiversity under Pinus nigra plantations and at checking possible correlations between fungal diversity/abundance and ecological parameters. Eleven permanent plots were surveyed in two serpentine areas in Liguria (Northwestern Italy) through three years. Sporomata were collected and identified in all seasons of fungal growth. Shannon’s diversity index and Jaccard’s similarity index were calculated for each plot, and then the indices were correlated with the main ecological parameters. 94 macrofungal species were found. For each plot, Shannon’s index shows a low level of macrofungal diversity. Significant correlations exist between the mycodiversity and the pH, the altitude, and the grass cover percentage. Whereas, only sporomata and biomass values are significantly correlated with the ordination performed. The low mycodiversity found is probably due to both the presence of Pinus nigra and serpentine soil. Ectomycorrhizal trophic group is the richest in species. Hypogeous species are very few and sporomata are not abundant. Finally, the surveys do not show typical serpentinophilous fungi.

Keywords: fungi, mycodiversity, European Black pine, serpentine soil, Shannon’s index.

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