A new green earth-tongue Microglossum parvisporum, sp. nov., from Slovakia
Kucˇera V., Tomšovský M. & Lizonˇ P. (2014) A new green earth-tongue Microglossum parvisporum sp. nov.
Sydowia 66 (2): 335–343
Research on grassland fungi in Slovakia has resulted in the delimitation and description of a new taxon of Microglossum, M. parvisporum. This species grows on calcareous soil among grass in association with Crataegus, Rosa canina and Prunus spinosa. It is characterized by mature ascomata that are whitish-green with a naked stipe, short spores, and paraphyses with inflated green tips. Analyses of sequences (ITS and LSU rRNA genes) are presented and discussed in comparison with similar species, Microglossum olivaceum, M. rufescens and M. nudipes.
Keywords: Ascomycota, Leotiaceae, earth-tongues, taxonomy, grasslands.
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