Coprinellus arenicola, a new species from Paraíba, Brazil
Gomes A. R. P. & Wartchow F. (2014) Coprinellus arenicola, a new species from Paraíba, Brazil.
Sydowia 66 (2): 249–256
Coprinellus arenicola is described as a new species. It is characterized by buff to pale pileus, basidiospores 7.6–9.2 × 6.1–7.6 × 4.6–6.1 µm, lack of pleurocystidia, hymeniform pileipellis and veil composed of narrow hyphae. Coprinellus deminutus and C. domesticus have similar velar remnants on pileus but differ, among other features, in the ellipsoid to subcylindric basidiospores. Description, discussion and illustration of the new species are provided.
Keywords: Agaricomycetes, Neotropic, Psathyrellaceae, taxonomy.
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