Pluteus floccipes, a new species from the Czech Republic
Hana Sevcikova & Jan Borovicka
Sydowia 67: 157–165.
A new species, Pluteus floccipes, is described and illustrated based on material from the Czech Republic. It is characterised by a dark brown pileus with an opaque surface, a pileipellis in the form of a euhymeniderm, presence of cheilocystidia with brown pigment, and a whitish stipe with brown floccules. The pileipellis structure indicates its placement in section Celluloderma. According to a phylogenetic analysis (ITS rDNA), P. floccipes is closely related to P. nanus, P. cinereofuscus and P. eludens. Morphological differences with similar species are described and discussed. Furthermore, probable synonymy of P. phlebophorus and P. luctuosus was supported by the phylogenetic analysis of Czech collections.
Keywords: Pluteaceae, section Celluloderma, ITS, taxonomy.
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