A new species and interesting records of Aplosporella from China
Zhi-Peng Dou, Mai Lu, Jian-Rong Wu, Wei He & Ying Zhang
Sydowia 69: 1–7
Published online on December 13th, 2016
Aplosporella macropycnidia, sp. nov., is described and illustrated from a dead branch of Cerasus yedoensis in China. Aplosporella macropycnidia is morphologically characterized by having large, multilocular pycnidia with a central ostiole, verrucose, brown conidia, and the presence of prominent paraphyses. Its relationships with other species of Aplosporella are discussed based on morphology and ITS nrDNA, EF1-α dataset sequence comparisons. Aplosporella prunicola is reported as a new record on Cercis chinensis from China, and A. javeedii is collected from four different hosts in Beijing and Henan province in this study.
Keywords: Aplosporellaceae, asexual morph, Botryosphaeriales, ITS, Sphaeropsis.
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