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Life cycle of the myxomycete Collaria arcyrionema

Dan Dai, Bo Zhang & Yu Li

Sydowia 70: 51-58

Published online on May 2nd, 2018

The Stemonitales is a large order in the Myxogastria (myxomycetes). The life cycle of members of the group consists of mi­croscopic uninucleate amoeboflagellates, creeping multinucleate aphanoplasmodia and macroscopic stationary sporocarps. However, of the about 220 known species in the order, only 13 species have had their complete life cycle documented. The research presented herein involved culturing of Collaria arcyrionema on water agar medium and detailed documentation of events that transpired during its life cycle. The time required for C. arcyrionema to complete its life cycle from spore-to-spore was about 45 days. Spores germinated by a V-shaped split and aphanoplasmodium formation of this species was observed for the first time. The aphanoplasmodium eventually formed one to several sporocarps.

Keywords: True slime molds, Stemonitales, aphanoplasmodium, ontogeny, morphogenesis.

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