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Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores

Ditte Bandini, Ertugrul Sesli, Bernhard Oertel & Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber

Sydowia 72: 95-106

Published online on February 24th, 2020

Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae is described in detail along with illustrations of its macroand micromorphology. It is a nodulose-spored species with yellowish-ochraceous pileus colour and smooth to (sub)rimulose pileus surface, that was found up to now in Turkey, Austria and Germany. It differs from other species of the group with equally coloured pilei (e.g. I. xanthomelas, I. phaeocystidiosa or I. krieglsteineri) by smaller, often (sub)isodiametrical basidiospores, rather short and slim hymenial cystidia, and ITS sequence data.

Keywords: Agaricales, Inocybaceae, Inocybe, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny. – 1 new species

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