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Novel Iranian wheat cultivars resistant to Bipolaris sorokiniana

Abdolrasoul Gholamaliyan, Mehdi Nasr Esfahani & Abdelfattah A. Dababat

Sydowia 73: 257-269

Published online on February 26th, 2021

Wheat, Triticum aestivum, is one of the most important and strategic crops in human diet threatened by several diseases. Common root rot disease of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is one of the important fungal diseases, causing considerable yield losses around the globe. Resistant sources are the only feasible and effective method of control for managing this disease. We screened and analyzed statistically the response of 33 domestic and exotic wheat genotypes including cultivars and promising lines against B. sorokiniana under greenhouse and field conditions. The differential responses of wheat genotypes to B. sorokiniana were highly significant. The highest rates of B. sorokiniana in greenhouse and field were reported on cvs. ‘Karkheh’ and ‘Roshan-Beck-Cross’ with 61 % and 59 % disease severity, respectively, while the lowest infection was observed on cv. ’Alvand’ with 18 %, followed by cv. ’Baharan’ with 19 % disease severity. The remaining wheat genotypes were located in between these two ranges of highest and lowest infected groups to B. sorokiniana, based on disease severity. There was a high correlation coefficient between the related statistical groups and cluster analysis on disease severity scoring scales.

Keywords: Crown, disease severity, fungus, genotype, resistance.

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